CGHE Annual Conference 2023 – From Higher to Tertiary: Democratising Post-School Education
- Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University
- Elisa Brewis, CGHE, Department of Education, University of Oxford
- Claire Callender, University College London
- Vincent Carpentier, University College London
- Maia Chankseliani, University of Oxford
- Gemma Derrick, The University of Bristol
- Jürgen Enders, University of Bath
- Ariane de Gayardon, University of Twente
- Ellen Hazelkorn, BH Associates and TU Dublin
- Aniko Horvath, VU Amsterdam
- Eileen Kennedy, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society
- Janja Komljenovic, Lancaster University
- Diana Laurillard, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society
- Simon Marginson, University of Oxford
- Tristan McCowan, University College London
- David Mills, University of Oxford
- Chris Millward, University of Birmingham
- Ka Ho Mok, Hang Seng University (Hong Kong)
- Alis Oancea, University of Oxford
- Lee Rensimer, University College London
- James Robson, University of Oxford
- Michael Shattock, University of Oxford
- Xin Xu, University of Oxford
- Lili Yang, University of Hong Kong
- Nicholas Barr, LSE
- Hoonhui Cho, University of Oxford
- Aline Courtois, University of Bath
- Rebecca Schendel, Center for International Higher Education at Boston College (USA)
- Sharon Stein, University of British Columbia (Canada)
- Huw Morris, IOE, University College London
- Preeti Shroff-Mehta, Northwestern University
- Krystian Szadkowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Richard Watermeyer, University of Bristol
- Alison Wolf, King’s College London

The CGHE Annual Conference returns for its eighth edition on 22-23 May 2023.
Day 1 In-Person Conference: Monday 22 May 2023
Jeffery Hall, UCL Institute of Education
Coffee and registration
Conference opening and welcome
Speaker: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Keynote 1 (Double keynote session): From Higher to Tertiary in Post-School Education: National and international perspectives
Chair: Chris Millward (Chair, CGHE Advisory Board)
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The Global and the Local: will tertiary education for all be much the same, everywhere?
Speaker: Alison Wolf (House of Lords, KCL)
Is it Time to Rethink Our Model of Post-Secondary Education? Progressing a Tertiary Education Eco-System
Speaker: Ellen Hazelkorn (BH Associates and TU Dublin)
Coffee/tea break
Keynote 2 and Burton R. Clark Lecture: Tertiary education and the sustainability agenda
Chair: Claire Callender (CGHE Deputy Director)
Speaker: Tristan McCowan (UCL IOE)
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Panel: Pre-election issues in UK tertiary education (regionalisation, tuition and lifelong learning)
Chair: Huw Morris (UCL IOE)
Mike Shattock (UCL IOE and Oxford) – Regionalising tertiary education in England
Claire Callender (CGHE Deputy Director) – A structure for lifelong learning in UK
Nicholas Barr (LSE) – The future of the income contingent loans system
Read abstracts
Lunch break
Graduates, Knowledge and Research – Elvin Hall
Chair: Ellen Hazelkorn (BH Associates and TU Dublin)
CGHE project 1: Graduate experiences of employability and knowledge – Paul Ashwin (Lancaster)
CGHE project 3: Being a researcher in uncertain times: challenges, opportunities, futures – Alis Oancea (Oxford) facilitator, contributions from James Robson, Xin Xu, Hoonhui Cho (all Oxford), Gemma Derrick (Bristol) Read abstracts
The Long View in Tertiary Education – Drama Studio
Chair: Diana Laurillard (UCL IOE)
CGHE project 6: Higher education governance in UK and Europe – Mike Shattock (UCL IOE and Oxford), Jürgen Enders (Bath), Aniko Horvath (VU Amsterdam) Read abstracts
CGHE project 7: Long-term trends in funding and staffing – Vincent Carpentier (UCL IOE)
Read abstract
Indebted Graduates: Disrupting Policy Rhetoric – Elvin Hall
Chair: James Robson (Oxford)
CGHE project 5: Graduate loan debt – Claire Callender (CGHE Deputy Director), Ariane de Gayardon (Twente) Read abstracts
Mapping International Flows of Funding to Education and Research in the Global South – Drama Studio
Chair: Xin Xu (Oxford)
CGHE project 9: Mapping the global tertiary education space – Tristan McCowan (UCL IOE), Maia Chankseliani (Oxford), Lee Rensimer (UCL IOE), David Mills (Oxford) (discussant)
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Health Hazard and Symbolic Violence: The Impact of Double Disturbance on International Learning Experiences and Implications for Hong Kong – Nunn Hall
Chair: Janja Komljenovic (Lancaster)
CGHE project 10: UK international graduates in East Asia – Ka Ho Mok (Lingnan, Hong Kong)
Read abstract
Coffee/tea break
Keynote 3: Tertiary Education: Challenges and responsibilities
Chair: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Speaker: Alis Oancea (Oxford)
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View recording
Conference close
Speaker: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Book launch
Universities and Regions, Michael Shattock and Aniko Horvath (Bloomsbury, published 4 May 2023)
Chair: Chris Millward (Chair, CGHE Advisory Board)
Speakers: Huw Morris (UCL IOE), John Morgan (Times Higher Education)
Day 2 Global Online Conference: Tuesday 23 May 2023
Conference opening and welcome
Speaker: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Keynote 1: An index, a publisher and an unequal global research economy
Chair: Vincent Carpentier (UCL IOE)
Speaker: David Mills (Oxford)
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Panel 1: Tertiary education and research amid global crises
Chair: James Robson (Oxford)
Richard Watermeyer (Bristol)
Xin Xu (Oxford)
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Panel 2: The ‘public’ character of tertiary education
Chair: Lili Yang (Hong Kong)
Aline Courtois (Bath)
Elisa Brewis (Oxford)
Krystian Szadkowski (Adam Mickiewicz)
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Lunch break
Keynote 2: Information overload and the echo chamber effect in higher education research
Chair: Elisa Brewis (Oxford)
Speaker: Rebecca Schendel (Boston)
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CGHE project 2 (digital) session: Democratising collaborative professional development on UN SDGs: From MOOC to CoMOOC
Chair: Ka Ho Mok (Lingnan University)
Speakers: Diana Laurillard (UCL IOE), Eileen Kennedy (UCL IOE), Preeti Shroff (Northwestern) (discussant)
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Keynote 3: Beyond “Business as Usual” in University Climate Action
Chair: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Speaker: Sharon Stein (British Columbia)
Read abstract
Read chat transcription
Watch session recording
Conference close
Speaker: Simon Marginson (CGHE Director)
Event Notes
For any further queries about the conference, please contact
Emily Betz (IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society)
Mary Bowen-Perkins (University of Oxford)