Local and global public good of higher education: 10 nation study

This project was a continuation of CGHE Project 1.1, ‘Local and global public good contributions of higher education: a comparative study in six national systems.’ Using interviews with higher education personnel and government officials, supported by discourse analysis, the project compared and contrasted the concepts, understandings and practices of the role of higher education in creating public and common good(s), in ten countries – Japan, China, South Korea, Finland, France, Poland, UK, Chile, Canada and the United States.
About this project
This project is led by Simon Marginson and the postdoc researcher is Lili Yang. It includes researchers from Japan, China and based in UK, with collaboration also from researchers in Poland and Chile. The project continues to completion a core project of CGHE that began in 2016.
The role of higher education everywhere is nested in particular localities, and national-cultural settings so that all of the outcomes of higher education are subject to variation. This is especially true of the collective effects included under the heading of public or common goods. The ultimate purposes of the project are to (1) systematically review approaches to the problem in the ten countries, and draw attention to similarities and differences; (2) to identify the potential for generic approaches to this issue useful in all countries, that might constitute the basis for worldwide analytical and measurement based work in the future, while also identifying the factors that shape variations form national context to national context; (3) to progress the identification and measurement of global common goods in higher education and science. Part of the project lies in comparing meanings of key terms between languages, another part lies in exploring issues of measurement.
As the Transition Centre begins, CGHE has completed empirical work in seven of the ten countries, has supplementary work to do to complete research in two more, and has yet to carry out the case study work in the US and interviews in international agencies. The Transition Centre period will focus on completion of data collection, data analysis, comparisons, academic publishing and information for policy makers and practitioners in higher education.

CGHE working papers
- Higher education and public good: Perceptions of practitioners and policy professionals in England (CGHE working paper 100, Simon Marginson and Lili Yang, August 2023)
- Public good of higher education in Japan: The changing perceptions of three actors in the post-war era (CGHE working paper 56, Kiyomi Horiuchi and Futao Huang, November 2020)
- The role of higher education in generating ‘public’ and ‘common’ goods: A comparison of Sinic and Anglo-American political cultures (CGHE working paper 52, Simon Marginson and Lili Yang, January 2020)
- The new geo-politics of higher education (Japanese translation) (CGHE working paper 34, translated by Aki Yonezawa with assistance from Tom Brotherhood, Simon Marginson, February 2019)
- World higher education under conditions of national/global disequlibria (CGHE working paper 42, Simon Marginson, October 2018)
- Local and global public good contributions of higher education in China (CGHE working paper 37, Nian Cai and Liu Lin Tian, June 2018)
- The new geo-politics of higher education (CGHE working paper 34, Simon Marginson, April 2018)
- The public role of higher learning in Imperial China (CGHE working paper 28, Lili Yang, October 2017)
- The role of the state in university science: Russia and China compared (CGHE working paper 9, Simon Marginson, December 2016)
- Global trends and their impact on Latin America: the role of the state and the private sector in the provision of higher education (CGHE working paper 4, Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela, June 2016)
- Public/private in higher education: a synthesis of economic and political approaches (CGHE working paper 1, Simon Marginson, June 2016)
Additional publications
- Sivistys and the public good role of universities in Finland
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Elisa Brewis, 2023 - The role of student mobility in a world in which globalism may be in retreat
presentation to Universities UK International, International Higher Education Forum, February 2023. - Higher education and public good in Chile
Higher Education_, Simon Marginson, 2023. READ TRANSCRIPT - Has the public good of higher education been emptied out? The case of England.
Higher Education, Simon Marginson and Lili Yang, 2023 - The public good of higher education: a lexical-based comparison of the Chinese and Anglo-American approaches
Studies in Higher Education, Lili Yang, 2023 - Individual and collective outcomes of higher education: a comparison of Anglo-American and Chinese approaches
Globalisation, Societies and Education, Simon Marginson & Lili Yang, 2022 - Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2022). World-class universities and global common good. In: S. Marginson & X. Xu (Eds.), Changing higher education in East Asia (pp. 85-104). London: Bloomsbury.
- Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2021). Inward international students in China and their contributions to global common goods. Higher Education, 81, 197-217.
- Japan’s higher education and the public good
Higher Education, Futao Huang, Tsukasa Daizen, Lilan Chen, and Kiyomi Horiuchi, August 2021 - Similarities and differences between notions of ‘public’ in the Sinic and liberal Anglo-American traditions, and the implications for higher education
Doctoral thesis, Lili Yang, 2020 - Higher education and public good in East and West
CGHE Research Findings 5, Simon Marginson and Lili Yang, June 2020 - Guzmán-Valenzuela, C., Barnett, R., Zavala, R. & Morales, K. (2020). The State, Public Universities and Public Goods: Time for a New Settlement—The – Case of Chile. Higher Education Policy. 35 (2), 375–396. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-020-00216-8
- C. Callender, W. Locke and & S. Marginson (eds.) (2020). Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. London: Bloomsbury.
- Marginson, S. (2020). The world research system: Expansion, diversification, network and hierarchy. In C. Callender, W. Locke and & S. Marginson (eds.), Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. London: Bloomsbury.
- Marginson, S. and Yang, L. (2020). China meets Anglo-America on the New Silk Road: A comparison of state, society, self and higher education. In M. C. van der Wende, W. Kirby, N. Liu, S. Marginson (eds.), China and Europe on the New Silk Road: Connecting universities across Eurasia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Marginson, S. (2020). Public and common goods in higher education: A conceptual approach. In C. Callender, W. Locke and & S. Marginson (eds.), Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. London: Bloomsbury.
- Tian, L. and Liu, N. C. (2020). Higher education in China: Rethinking it as a common good. In C. Callender, W. Locke and & S. Marginson (eds.), Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. London: Bloomsbury.
- Carpentier, V., & Courtois, A. (2020). Public good in French universities: principles and practice of the ‘republican’ model. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-18. doi:10.1080/03057925.2020.1722943
- The public good and accepting inbound international students in Japan
Higher Education, Kiyomi Horiuchi and Futao Huang, June 2019 - Marginson, S. (2019). Global cooperation and national competition in the World-Class University sector. In Y. Wu, Q. Wang and N. Liu (eds.), World-Class Universities: towards a global common good and seeking national and institutional contributions, pp. 13-55. Leiden: Brill.
- Xu, X. (2019). China ‘goes out’ in a centre-periphery world: Incentivising international publications in the humanities and social sciences. Higher Education.
- Xu, X. (2019). Performing ‘under the baton of administrative power’? Chinese academics’ responses to incentives for international publications. Research Evaluation.
- Szadkowski, K. and Krzeski, J. (2019). Political ontologies of the future university: individual, public, common. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, 1(3).
- Tian, L. and Liu, N. C. (2019). Rethinking higher education in China as a common good. Higher Education, 77 (4), pp. 623-640.
- Szadkowski, K. (2018). Higher Education as the Common: A conceptual approach. Higher Education.
- Marginson, S. (2018). Higher Education as Self-Formation
Inaugural Professorial Lecture at the UCL Institute of Education, IOE Press - Marginson, S. (2017). Obschestvennye blaga, proizvodimye v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh Rossii [The public good created by higher educational institutions in Russia]. Вопросы образования [Educational Studies Moscow], 3, pp. 8-36. DOI: 10.17323/1814-9545-2017-3-9-36
- Marginson, S. (2016). Foreword: The partial shift from public to private goods in UK higher education. London Review of Education, 14 (1), pp. 4-10.
- Marginson, S. (2016). Higher Education and the Common Good. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing.
- Marginson, S. (2016). Private/public in higher education: a synthesis of economic and political approaches
Studies in Higher Education, April 2016
Translation of work published in English
- Marginson, S. (2016). To, co publiczne i prywatnew szkolnictwie wyższym. Synteza podejścia ekonomicznego i politycznego. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 48 (2), pp. 17-42 (2016). [Translation of ‘Private/public in higher education: A synthesis of economic and political approaches’, Studies in Higher Education.] In Polish. Translated by Krystian Szadkowski. Published online here.
Other outputs
- Higher education and the public good: The case of the UK
CGHE webinar, 29 June 2023. READ TRANSCRIPT - Assessing the contributions of higher education
CGHE webinar, March 2023. READ TRANSCRIPT - Higher education as a common good
IIEP Strategic Debate, UNESCO, Paris, 12 March 2018 (read more about the presentation) - Higher Education and Global Common Good: National competition and global cooperation in the World-Class University sector (Speech / Presentation / Full paper )
WCU-7, Shanghai 6-9 November 2017 - Education as a public good
Speech to UCU ‘Cradle to Grave’ conference, London, 9 February 2018 - The public role of higher education: A critical review and a new idea (Paper) The public role of higher education: A critical review and a new idea (Presentation)
University of Chile, 16 May 2017 - Higher education and the common good (Paper, presentation and audio)
CGHE seminar, 2 February 2017 - Higher education and public goods (Paper) Higher education and public goods (Presentation)
Central European University, Budapest, 29 January 2017 - Higher education and public goods (Paper) Higher education and public goods (Presentation)
National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), Delhi, 9 January 2017