Professor Vincent Carpentier

University College London

Vincent Carpentier is a Professor of Higher Education and Society at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. He was responsible for CGHE Project 7, ‘A historical lens on higher education staffing: UK and France’. Key outcomes from this project included papers such as Three Stories of Institutional Differentiation: Resource, Mission and Social Inequalities in Higher Education (Policy Reviews in Higher Education 2021) and Academic Workforce in France and the UK in Historical Perspectives (Comparative Education 2023- with Emmanuelle Picard), recently reported in the Conversation (2023) . He was also a Co-Investigator on Project 8, ‘Local and global public good of higher education: 10 nation study’ examining the French context presented in the paper Public Good in French Universities: Principles and practices of the “Republican” Model of Higher education (Compare 2022- with Aline Courtois).

His comparative work on the historical relationship between educational systems, Kondratiev cycles and social change is located at the interface of history of education and political economy. Vincent’s research explores the historical and contemporary connections and tensions between funding, equity and quality in higher education at both national and global levels.

He is an Associate Editor of the London Review of Education and a member of the scientific committee of the French Network on HE research (RESUP) (since 2020).

Select publications

Other presentations