Dr Stephen Hunt
Stephen Hunt was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 3.1, ‘Alternative, emerging and cross-border higher education provision and its relationship with mainstream provision’.
Stephen’s current research concerns alternative providers in the UK higher education sector, such as private and for-profit institutions, and colleges of further education.
CGHE publications
CGHE research projects
Upcoming Events
Past Events
- Internationalisation of Chinese Higher Education: Is it Westernisation?
- CGHE Annual Conference 2021: Remaking higher education for a more equal world
- Intersectoral relationships within higher education: the FE/HE interface in the UK
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Governing public and private higher education in UK and beyond
- Private higher education: historical trends and its current state
- Recent developments in for-profit higher education in the US: implications for England
Select publications
- Private Providers and Market Exit in UK Higher Education
Higher Education, 2021 - A History of Higher and Professional Correspondence Education in the UK
History of Education, 2020 - The New Private Sector in England: Can Subsidized Colleges Break into the Mainstream?
In C. Callender, W. Locke, S. Marginson (Eds) Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. Bloomsbury, 2020. - There is a bigger problem than bogus or fake universities
University World News, May 2019 - Hunt, S. A., & Boliver, V. (2019). Private Higher Education in the United Kingdom. International Higher Education, (98), 18-20.
- 50 years ago: May 1968 and the British art school uprising (blog)
- THE CNAA art collection: Victor Pasmore, Britain’s art schools and higher education (blog)
- The uncertain future of US for-profit higher education (blog)
- What was Trump University, and why is it still important? (blog)
- The entry and experience of private providers of higher education in six countries
CGHE report, August 2016
- The scope for private higher education in England to widen participation
British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2021: Remaking the Future, 14 April 2021. - “Scale and scope of private providers in English Higher Education”
Seminar presentation to Centre for Higher Education Research (CHES) UCL IOE, 15 January 2020 - “How do different HE institutions address graduate employability?”
Seminar presentation for SRHE Network Employability, Enterprise and Work-based Learning, 13 September 2019 - “Market Exit in Higher Education in the UK”
Conference presentation at CHER 32nd Annual Conference Kassel Germany, 29 August 2019 - “Can private providers be expected to improve higher education inclusion, choice and quality in the UK?”
Conference presentation for British Sociological Association, 25 April 2019 - “Market exit: The implications for public and private higher education in the UK”
Conference presentation CGHE 2019 Annual Conference, 3 April 2019 - “Private higher education: historical trends and its current state”
Seminar presentation for Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) UCL IOE, 10 January 2019 - “Can private providers be expected to improve higher education inclusion, choice and quality in the UK?”
Conference presentation at SRHE Annual Conference, 6 December 2018 - “Private Higher Education Providers in the UK”
Conference presentation at CHER 31st Annual Conference, 30 August 2018 - Private Higher Education Providers in the UK: Mapping the Terrain
CGHE annual conference, 11 April 2018 - For-profit higher education in the US
CGHE annual conference, 1 March 2017 - Recent developments in for-profit higher education in the US: implications for England
University of Sheffield, 9 November 2016