Agata A. Lambrechts
Agata A. Lambrechts holds a PhD in Education from the University of York, UK. She is currently a senior researcher at the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), Switzerland and a scientific collaborator at the Institute of Communication and Public Policy at the Univerità della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland. At SFUVET Agata focuses on a Swiss National Science Foundation-funded research project on collaborations within the European education, with focus on the European Universities initiative and its counterpart in the vocational education world – the initiative on Centres of Vocational Excellence. At USI, she focuses on research policy and higher education studies using both organisational and sociological perspectives to address topics such as the diversity of higher education institutions in Europe, the development of internationalisation over time and institutional collaboration, in particular, in the framework of the EUI.