Joining the 2022 CGHE Annual Conference
The CGHE Annual Conference will return for its seventh edition this year, on 24-25 May 2022. To register, go to the official conference site here. For those who have registered, here’s everything you need to know about attending the conference.
Joining sessions
Direct session joining links are now live on the conference website here. When the session is set to start, simply navigate to the conference programme and click on the green ‘JOIN SESSION HERE’ button:
This is a Zoom link and will take you directly into the session’s waiting room. You will be admitted to the session from there. If you are experiencing any problems with the conference website, all joining links are also on the CGHE website here.
Session etiquette
All sessions are being recorded and will be posted online on the CGHE website here and YouTube page by the end of Thursday 26 May 2022. Slides from each session and a transcript of the chat function conversation will also be posted.
Most importantly, please keep yourself muted unless you have been asked to speak or ask a question. Your microphone should look like this at all times during presentations:
There’s no need to have your video on during the session, but please do so when asking a question. We recommend using the ‘Speaker View’ so you can more clearly see who is talking.
To ask a question, use the chat function and write out the question you wish to ask. At the end of the presentation, if your question is selected by the Chair you will be invited to ask it yourself directly.
When invited to ask a question, please unmute yourself, switch on your video, and state your name and where you are from.
We will not be providing a Certificate Of Attendance for this conference.
I’m still not sure what to do?
If you are unclear on anything or are having problems on the day, please contact:
Trevor Treharne
Director of Communications, CGHE
Carly Brownbridge
CGHE Administrator, Institute of Education, University College London
Otherwise, we look forward to welcoming you to the CGHE conference on Tuesday.