Registration open for researcher education and careers meeting
Registration is open for a European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction meeting looking at researcher education and careers.
Unpacking and exploring researcher communication: implications for inquiry into ECR experience will take place on 30 September – 2 October 2018 at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The meeting is aimed at researchers with an interest in early-career researcher experience.
The meeting will begin with an optional writing retreat followed by workshops on the following topics:
- Research funding proposal: Why is it that the text is key but not sufficient for success?
- Textbook: Research? Pedagogy? Neither or both?
- Monograph thesis: What makes it a one-time endeavour? Why isn’t it a book?
- Peer review: How do we learn to deal with reviews and to act as reviewers? Why is it an occluded genre?
- Journal articles: Why is it so difficult to write papers? What implies co-authorship? How to combine author’s voice and disciplinary conventions?
- Professional writing: What is the range? What are the challenges?
The deadline for registration is 1 June 2018.