CGHE Annual Conference 2025 – Global Rupture? Geopolitics, policy repair and the reimagining of Higher Education (Day 2)

Day 2 – Friday 4 April 2025
9am – 10.30am
Panel 3
Geopolitics and higher education in East Asia – International student mobility, research collaboration and university governance (sponsored by APHERP)
Seminar Room A
Convenor: Ka Ho Mok
Panellists: Professor Simon Marginson (University of Oxford), Professor Ka Ho Mok (Hang Seng University of Hong Kong), Professor Wenqin Shen (Peking University, China), Professor Angela Hou (National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan), Professor Akiyoshi Yonezawa (Tohoku University, Japan), Professor Jung Cheol Shin (Soeul National University, Korea)
Moderator: Professor Simon Ho, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
International mobility and societal change – Rethinking higher education in a divided world
Seminar Room D
Convenor: Maia Chankseliani
Panellists: Ahmad Akkad, Gardiana Bandeira-Melo, Joonghyun Kwak and Maia Chankseliani, Natalya Hanley, Zhe Wang (all at the University of Oxford)
Reparative higher education – Global perspectives
Seminar Room E
Convenor: Olga Mun
Panellists: Olga Mun (Oxford), Ed Penn (Oxford), Yushan Xie (Oxford), Louise Nicholson (Oxford)
Knowledge production and scholarly publishing – Questions of integrity and representation
Seminar Room G/H
Convenors: Rita Hordosy, Martin Myers, Maria Antonieta Vega Castillo, Elizabeth Brown
Panellists: Melissa Bond, David Mills, Martin Myers, Elizabeth Brown, Maria Antonieta Vega Castillo, Rita Hordósy
10.30am – 11am
Tea/coffee break
11am – 12.30pm
Panel 4
Continuities, changes and challenges for European higher education landscape – Five years of the European universities initiative
Seminar Room A
Convenor: Antonin Charret
Panellists: Agata A. Lambrechts (Swiss Observatory of Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training and Institute of Communication and Public Policy, Università della Svizzera italiana, CH), Alina J. Felder-Stindt (School of Economics and Political Science, Universität St. Gallen, CH), Antonin Charret (University of Oxford, UK), Daniela Craciun (University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, NL), Nadia Manzoni (Central European University, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, AT)
Facing the traps of decolonial critiques and opening up for other ways of existing inside/outside/beyond academia
Seminar Room D
Conveners: Roxana Chiappa, Jhuliane Evelyn da Silva, Juliana Zeggio Martínez
Panellists: Francesca Helm (Universidad de Padova, Italy), Hiba Ibrahim (York University, Palestine/Jordania), Francesca DellOlio (University of London, Italy/Brasil)
Place-based PhDs: Influences of geo-historical location on PhD experience
Seminar Room E
Convenor: Lynn McAlpine (Oxford)
Presenters: Hatice Nuriler (Aarhus), Anding Shi (Oxford), Qiongli Zhu, (Toronto) Lynn McAlpine (Oxford)
Discussant: Kelsey Inouye (Oxford)
Higher education and Sino-African cooperation
Seminar Room G/H
Convenor: Benjamin Mulvey
Panellists: Benjamin Mulvey (University of Glasgow, UK), Si-yuan Li (University of Leeds, UK), Kenneth King (University of Edinburgh), Bright Nkrumah (Baylor University, USA), Vedika Kedia (University of Oxford, UK)
12.30pm – 1.30pm
Buffet lunch
1.30pm – 3pm
Closing roundtable: Universities, geopolitics and repair
Seminar Room A
Panellists: Simon Marginson, Wen Wen, Shibao Guo, Melanie Walker, Anoud Abusalim
Chair: Lee Rensimer
3pm – 5pm
Afternoon tours of Oxford organised by student volunteers.