Our People

Dr Jess Pilgrim-Brown is a sociologist and researcher in education. She focuses on issues relating to social class, gender and wider social inequalities.

Jingran Yu is an assistant professor at the Institute of Education, Xiamen University (China), and an honorary research associate at the University of Manchester. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on global educational mobilities (including international student mobility and transnational education), approached through interdisciplinary lenses across educational studies, sociology, and human geography. Her recent research is centred on China’s transnational education and technical assistance along Belt and Road countries, particularly in Malaysia and Laos. Her PhD research, titled ‘Imaginative Travellers In-situ: A Case Study of Chinese Students at a UK Transnational Higher Education Institution’ was awarded the BERA Doctoral Thesis Award (2021).

Paul Ashwin is Professor of Higher Education, Lancaster University. He played a key role in creating CGHE, was a CGHE Deputy Director and led the Centre’s Graduate Experiences of Employability and Knowledge project.

Aline Courtois is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Bath. She holds a PhD in Sociology from University College Dublin and Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne.

Gus Gregorutti, Ph.D. is a Higher Education Professor at the School of Leadership, Andrews University in Michigan, USA. Before this appointment, he has been a visiting professor at several Latin American universities, teaching and carrying out various research projects.

F. King Alexander has been a professor of higher education finance, policy and law and president of four large public universities including Louisiana State University (LSU). He currently serves as a professor of educational leadership at Florida Gulf Coast University, Senior Faculty Fellow at the Education Policy Center at the University of Alabama, and a Faculty Affiliate at the Cornell University Higher Education Research Institute since 1998.

Pedro N. Teixeira is the Secretary of State for Higher Education in the Portuguese Government. He is Professor in Economics at the Faculty of Economics (University of Porto) and Director of CIPES (Centre of Research on Higher Education Policy)

Bjørn Stensaker is Professor of Higher Education and Vice-Rector for Education at the University of Oslo.

Thomas Ekman Jørgensen is Director for Policy Coordination and Foresight at the European University Association.

Professor Gregor Halff is the Dean of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Tej is a researcher at the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Since joining in 2016, he has led the establishment of a research function within the organisation.

Krystian Szadkowski is senior researcher at Scholarly Communication Research Group, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). His interests cover Marxist political economy and transformations of higher education systems in Central Eastern Europe.