CGHE Webinar 280

Changing Higher Education in East Asia: A CGHE Book Symposium

Date: Thursday, 24 March 2022 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom webinar

Event Materials

This event is now archived and we are pleased to provide the following event media and assets, along with the original event overview.

East Asian higher education has common cultural roots in Chinese civilization, each country has been shaped in different ways by Western intervention, and all are building global strategies. Shared educational agendas combine with long political tensions and rising national identities. Hope and fear touch each other. What are the prospects for regional harmony-in-diversity? How do internationalization and indigenization interplay in higher education in this remarkable and brilliant region, once overshadowed by Western power and now coming back into its own, where so much of the future of humanity will be decided?

These issues are addressed in a new book from the Centre for Global Higher Education, Changing Higher Education in East Asia, edited by Simon Marginson and Xin Xu. The book brings together experts from Australia, China mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the UK and Vietnam. Their chapters add new strands to the academic conversation about higher education in East Asia. Issues covered include the role of higher education in furthering the global public and common good in different national contexts, world citizenship education, the internationalization of the humanities and social sciences, geopolitics and higher education development, cross-border academic mobility, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on regional student mobility, and future regionalization in East Asia.

In this CGHE webinar Simon Marginson and Xin Xu will introduce the book, and Olga Mun and Yunkyung Min discuss their chapter. ‘Global Public Good in Korea as Jeong’. A Q&A session will follow that will be chaired by Ka Ho Mok, who also contributed a chapter to this book, ‘The Covid-19 Pandemic and International Higher Education in East Asia’. Other chapter authors will share the Q&A and discussion section of the webinar. Please join us to discuss this important new book.

CGHE webinars are fully open to participants. They are interactive, enabling attendees to speak directly in the webinar, ask questions of speakers when called in by the chair and see all other participants. At any time you can communicate directly with others, either all together or on a one-to-one basis, through the webinar Chat.

Event Materials

This event is now archived and we are pleased to provide the following event media and assets, along with the original event overview.

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