20 October 2022

Postdoctoral Opportunity: University of Technology Sydney

CGHE is pleased to share the following information on a postdoctoral opportunity at the Graduate Research School at the University of Technology Sydney:

‘The Graduate Research School at the University of Technology Sydney is hiring 2 postdocs from any disciplinary background to conduct research on questions that might include:

  • What role do graduate research alumni play in fostering innovation and promoting inclusive and sustainable economic, social and cultural prosperity?
  • How might we innovate graduate research training to prepare students for the research careers of the future, ensuring a resilient and sustainable knowledge economy?
  • How might we embed meaningful opportunities for industry collaboration in the graduate research journey?
  • How might we develop a vibrant and robust graduate research culture that integrates students, supervisors, faculties, and the wider university community?
  • How might we support graduate researcher wellbeing?

These are two-year positions, base salary AUD $112,000, visa sponsorship a possibility, application deadline 15 Nov. Our ideal candidates will be able to publish high-level research, build international research networks around these issues including collaborative grant applications, and help develop/advise on best-practice innovations.’

Contact: Sarah Kinkel Miller (sarah.kinkel@uts.edu.au)

For more details and to apply, visit the UTS recruitment page here.