17 July 2018

The pros and cons of HE internationalisation

In an introduction to a special issue of Higher Education Quarterly, Professor Ka Ho Mok reflects on the debate around the benefits and challenges of internationalisam in higher education.

On one hand, internationalism has enabled international academic exchanges and research collaboration, and has enhanced faculty development within universities.

Yet there are disadvantages too. Only families with sufficient resources can send their children to study abroad. In this way, internationalism in higher education has favoured the elite and rich while marginalising the poor.

Professor Mok argues that the growing trend of anti-globalism and nationalism has thrown the value of internationalism in higher education into question.

He outlines the implications for education policy and university governance. He argues that rather than concentrating funding on selected top universities, governments should deploy resources to help students from economically challenged countries engage in international learning. Universities, meanwhile, should build authentic links with the public, and maximise the value and meaning of internationalisation for society.

Does internationalisation of Higher Education still matter? Critical reflections on student learning, graduate employment and faculty development in Asia
is published in Higher Education Quarterly