26 November 2017

New book chapter: Digital education and the connected curriculum

Dr Eileen Kennedy has co-written a chapter entitled ‘Digital Education and the Connected Curriculum: Towards a Connected Learning Environment’ in new book, Developing the Higher Education Curriculum: Research-Based Education in Practice.

The book explores ‘research-based education’ as applied in practice within the higher education sector.

Dr Kennedy and her co-authors explore the use of digital technology as an enabler in a research-based education environment. Drawing on extensive research over two years with the community at UCL, the authors arrive at a manifesto of sorts, outlining the demands for the future of virtual learning.

‘UCL Together’, their proposal for a ‘Connected Learning Environment’, will be a confederation of systems that will integrate with virtual learning environment (VLE) Moodle, including media creation, file storage, Wikipedia, video conferencing and personal student webspace. It will also include a social network to enable connections between staff and students.

The authors argue that this platform will help rigid boundaries become porous, allowing connections to be made across and through modules; such a system would allow, for instance, prospective students to sample course material, as well as enable connections with alumni and the world of business.