University of Kassel doctoral training programme – applications open
The University of Kassel is hiring researchers for its doctoral training programme ‘Changing dynamics of elite production? The role of higher education for career trajectories in different societal fields’.
About the positions
Working part-time with half of the regular working hours of a full-time researcher each. These are fixed-term positions for three years (position for academic qualification corresponding to § 65 HHG i. V. m. § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG; with the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree) with the opportunity to start as soon as possible.
- Independent research in the thematic area of the doctoral training programme leading to the preparation of a doctoral degree (exemplary research topics can be found on Kassel’s website)
- Active participation in all seminars and events of the ELBHA-project
- Teaching two semester hours per week
- Collaboration in the development of an externally funded project proposal to continue and consolidate the doctoral training programme
Application deadline is 15 March 2017